Saturday, January 27, 2007

Halfway there, i think

Well, I made it to Wenzhou. I'm taking a day off the bike. This seems like a nice enough city, and my hotel has a bathtub. That's right a real bathtub. Needless to say, last night I took a bath, and soaked most of the aches and pains away. The road is long, and i'm not sure where my next stop will be. I've decided to be a bit more zen about the whole journey. I think I'll get where I get, when I get there. I'm pretty far south (and it is getting warmer and warmer) and so now I only need to keep going west. I know I'll eventually get to where I'm going.
I got my bike checked, and cleaned. The people at the bike shop were properly amazed that I got here from Suzhou. But I think it wasn't that big a deal. So far, the roads are good, the people are kind, the food is good, and although I'm not making great time, I am enjoying the ride.
And people have been very kind. The police who gave me a ride to a hotel when all I asked for was directions, the hotel staff that moved my bike inside so it wouldn't be stolen, the old woman who gave me some extra oranges for the road, after I had already bought several, the people who give me directions when I'm feeling a bit lost and want to make sure I'm on the right road. So many people are so very very kind.
Until my next post, be good, be happy and have fun.


Robust said...

I believe u will get to where u're going, take care and have fun!

sandybumz said...

hey sis,
happy 2 know evry1 there is kind 2 u , nobody better mess w/ my sister!!
i have a 'puter now so u can write me
i learned a tibetan mantra today, i'll chant it 4 u to ease the suffering of ur buttocks LOL
i luv u and miss u plz call or write soon

janna.zhou said...

chris:sounds really very good....take time to indulge your road....impossible made did really perfect.lucky smiled on you and go safe,be careful....

Unknown said...

Hi! My God, you made it!
You're great!
I miss you!


Stella said...

Hi,Christine,I am stella,i often log in your Blog,Now i know you go to Wenzhou, I am so happy,take care yourself:)

Eme said...

You are doing it! Congrats! I am so happy to see that you are doing well, and I hope you continue to enjoy yourself. Be safe, and have the time of your life.