Thursday, January 18, 2007

She's off

Well, I started out much much later than I had originally planned, between waking up late, having to re-pack some things and a small but fixable problem with the camera. But Jane rode with me all the way to S227 and I started off. I couldn't wait for the open road, even though I was very sad to say good bye to Jane. The only problem was from there to here, there wasn't much open road and some of it was only marginally paved. Plus I only went about 1/2 the distance I had originally planned on going.
The day has been pretty cool, cloudy and windy. Most of the time there has been only a little traffic. On the other side of the road, there was a river and I thought of changing sides and following it. But it would have entailed crossing a 4 lane highway. In China. Even so I raced one of the barges. I would have won too if I hadn't gotten distracted by cute soldier boys and chocolate. I didn't have to stop so early, but I had over shot and missed one of the turn-offs, so I had to go back. I'm staying at a hotel that is right on the road I need to go on. I'll try to start a bit earlier and go a bit farther tomorrow.
I have learned several things already.
1. When you need to go to the bathroom, all the gas stations are on the other side of the highway.
2. I am not nearly as in shape as I thought I was. I've been demoted to totally pathetic.
3. This is going to take a bit longer than I thought.
4. It isn't as flat as I had originally thought
5. It is still all good

Until the next post, be good, be careful and have a good time.


Yourdon Shaw said...

Good luck!

janna.zhou said...

chris: good afternoon.i knew you are safe arrived .thankgoodnes'''''' happy to hear your news in blog today.i am so sad say goodbye with you ,yesterdays warm goodbye-hug i wanna remember forever------i hope know your trip to everwhere about your imformation,i will hope you good luck and enjoy your trip,i love you and miss you ,take care ,my sweet heart

Chris Lee said...

Thank goodness. It's great to get your current status. I am happy for you and full of confidence that you can handle any difficulty. Take care and good luck.