Saturday, March 17, 2007

bad blogger, no biscut

I'm safe in Hue, and at yet another hotel computer. I promise to tell the whole sordid story tomorrow. (it isn't that sordid, but ....)
I did 95 km a day for 3 days straight and so I'm about to crash tonight. But the hotel is nice and has HBO. I'll try to stay awake for a movie or something. I don't feel too guilty. I'll be here in Hue for a few days getting my visa extension.
Till I post again, be good, be happy, and have fun.
*and let's face it, the motorcycle boys ARE fun


Chris Lee said...

christine, it's been always good to read your travel story. Thank you for bringing us so much exciting experience. Good luck.

sandybumz said...

Hey have you seen Russel Simmons Def Poetry jam? It's on HBO. It kicks ass!! I always feel bi-polar when I see it cuz in that half hour I'll be happy and laughing 1 sec then sad and crying then pissed off. Great talent on that show. If you like it I'll take you to the poetry jam here at yinyang fandango tea room. Go to
\p.s. you should see Keanu r. on his bike . I wonder if he knows he's my future husband.
Peace ,
Sandy Reeves