Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Who'll stop the rain

Or why my life is the new definition of suck.
It is rainy. Yesterday it rained all day. Which overall would be ok, since I wanted to rest, and I had done a day of business on Monday. but....
The lights went out. It wasn't the hotel's fault, it is the whole neighborhood. And there was a problem with extending my visa. I'm still not sure if it is a rip-off by the agency or a regularity problem with the government official (here in S.E.Asia, and parts of E.Asia, that is a factor when dealing with any official agency). It is going to cost me 40.00 us more, plus I'm stuck here for 6 more days. On the bright side, my hotel will give me a discount for a long term stay, and I do like them. (except for the creepy guy that was in the hall, whose first question was Do you stay here? *duh, I'm going into one of the rooms- and whose second question was Are you alone? * I answered sharply -none of your business. Don't worry, he left this morning and I am bigger than he is anyway.
I thought seriously of getting my passport back, going to HoChiMihn on the bus and getting a ticket home.
I keep thinking about the things I miss: Going to a store and buying clothes, without any hassle, finding my size.... Eating food that I know... (and "don't ask don't tell" may be debatable as military policy, but is excellent food policy here)... Being able to talk to people without cultural and language barriers... knowing the price of things at the store....Not being accosted by 20 moto/cyclo/taxi/tuck-tuck drivers when I walk down the street. I keep thinking about home.
I'm already committed to the visa extension/new visa thing. And although it puts a crimp in my budget, it isn't the end of the world. And if I go to HoChiMihn after this, I might as well go into Cambodia. If I go to Cambodia, I don't want to miss Laos. (Laos is one of my favorite S.E.Asian countries) And if I go to Laos, I'm more than half way to Singapore, so I might as well finish. If you want some of the stories, you have to buy the margaritas.
Even though it is rainy, and I'm in a grumpy mood, and my hotel doesn't have electricity so I don't have hot water for a shower, and I really don't want to stay here so long, I know that overall, the journey is a good one. And it is the journey not the destination.
Till I post again, be good, be happy, and have fun.

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