Sunday, June 17, 2007

Almost Famous

I stayed one extra night in Gerik, but didn't blog about it because it wasn't special. I ate some very good roti with curry, watched a movie on hbo. But the next day I went to Banding Island. It is a man made island in the middle of a very very large lake. It was beautiful. There were monkeys and fish. I was able to get a lake view room and watched the sunset over the lake. It was just wow. I then set off on Hwy 4 to Jeli. It looks like a town on the map. ... we'll get to that later. Ok the road sometimes needed some tlc, but I wish I had my camera for the elephant crossing signs. Yep apparently elephants do cross the road. And they are wild. I didn't see any, and in a way I'm kinda glad because what would I do if I actually ran into a wild elephant?
The mountains were beautiful, and even when I got caught in the mists myself I still couldn't help but be awestruck. This is some of the wildest most fantastic country I've been to yet. (Laos comes a close second) The jungle sometimes comes right up to the road. Someone said there were tigers, but I don't believe them. I saw some cattle tied up by the road, and nobody would tie up cattle if there were any chance of tigers. There were places on the road where I just had to stop and look around.
I finally reached Jeli, but it is not really a town. It is a loose association of villages, without any hotel or motel. Fortunately one of the people I asked took pity on me. He was in charge of the bungalows they give to workers at the power plant. They had a spare one, and it is pretty (also a bit too big, and it is obvious no one has lived in it for a while, but still it was nice of him to offer it to me. ) I came into the "town" to get some drinks and food, and met a reporter. She is going to put me in the paper on Tuesday or Wednesday. So I'm almost famous
Till I post again, be good, be happy and have fun.
I also met an English teacher, her name is Suhaida and we had a very nice chat.

1 comment:

Blue Ghost said...

I'm gettin' jealous ! ;-)