Monday, February 19, 2007

Almost there

HongKong tomorrow. I hope the banks are open because I don't have any HK dollars. I kinda cheated a bit and took a bus for 50km and that is why I'll be in HK tomorrow instead of the day after tomorrow. I am at a hotel office (again) so I can't spend much time, but wanted to say that the small town was actually quiet. At about 10:30 the fireworks ended and then the young boys jumped on their motorcycles and scooters, in twos and threes, and roared off. The girls giggled and shouted after them and went home. There were a few odd firecrackers then it was quiet and I slept very well. I really like the small towns in China, they all have their own personalities. All the cities have the same things, a market, a grocery store, clothing stores, shops and all, but each one is special, each one is different. I guess it is all in the details.
Till I post again, be good, be happy and have fun.

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